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Landscape photography

Landscape photography

Landscape photography - Mt Bartle Frere - North Queensland #outdoorlife

Islands in the sky

Art and Dreaming

12102019 - 1934       

       Why does this site exist? Each post on the front page of this website will seek to answer a question. The aim of this post is to answer the question, why does this site exist? 

       This site exists to chart my journey as I develop the crafts of art, living outdoors and creating a website. I greatly enjoy spending time in remote places and creating art. I like to travel to waterfalls, mountains and rainforests. I like to explore these places and create graphic representations of the features I find the most interesting. Sometimes I do this with a camera, sometimes with oil pastels. I also create art to describe my inner world and to develop my understanding of religious and mythological symbolism.

       Spending time outdoors is one of my favourite things to do. It's great to be at the top of a mountain, or trekking through a wild rainforest, but there is a lot of planning, preparation and skill that goes into being able to do this. To undertake such an endeavour one must be able to provide oneself with all of the resources to eat, drink, sleep and move through the terrain for days at a time, without experiencing loss of physiological functioning and while maintaining some degree of comfort. In other words, one must be self sufficient. This can be a difficult undertaking, but it need not be. I aim to share the skills necessary to achieve this with you.

       Earlier this year - around Easter - I was hiking up a mountain and thinking about a book I'm writing and where to take it, in terms of artistic direction. A friend of mine had read part of my book and suggested to me that I take more care to describe the place/s in which the events of my book take place. Fearing success for my book and a potential influx of people to the places I describe in my book, I had decided not to describe them very well. But my friend had a good point in that a visual guide of the place/s I traveled through would be useful for the reader to imagine the narrative of the story taking place. How could I resolve this conundrum? That was one of the things I had decided to do on the hike and so, the mountain told me to draw oil pastels. It showed me the first one I was to do, which is called Serpentus Prime (insert hyperlink). I have done a few more oil pastels since then and I quite enjoy it. One of the things I would like to do with this site is share the oil pastels I do with humanity at large, to develop some sort of learning resource to help other people do stuff like that and to one day maybe sell some oil pastels.

       While traversing that same slope I came up with the idea of punctuating the book with landscape pictures. Especially shots of the massive trees that live in the rainforest and the summits of the mountains that emerge from their canopies. Since then I've been taking hundreds of photos. I'm now at the point where I have decided to buy a decent camera so I can produce images that do justice to the amazing scenes that I lay eyes upon with increasingly regularity. Part of this website will be devoted to charting my journey as I learn to take and edit the best possible photos.

       Another facet that will be developed is the seam of website development. All the stuff I have spoken about so far is to be displayed on a website. I would like this website to attract visitors who are willing and able to learn and share. This will entail the development of a set of skills that are very different to those required to produce art or live outdoors, but which are nevertheless very necessary in the modern world. Part of this journey will be developing my skill as a writer - after all I don't want to bore you. And I would like to find a way to make money out of this website so it can support a lifestyle spent mostly in the wilderness.


       So that explains why the website, but what about the name? Why did I call this website Islands in the Sky? Well, it goes back to the photo at the top of this page. Which is a photo of an island in the sky. I came up with the name when I first climbed this mountain. I was sitting at the top of the Western slope and looking across to another summit. There was a strong breeze blowing from the East which blew a moisture laden airmass that turned to cloud as it cascaded into the landlocked valley on the leeward side, where I sat with my camera. When I took that shot the intervening valley was full of cloud and it seemed that I was sitting in the midst of an archipelago of Islands in the Sky, on a Sea of Clouds.

       The scene before me was beautiful beyond describing, this beauty was the product of two confluent forces; the landscape I was in and my physiology in the moment. Being as I was at the top of a very tall mountain my eyes beheld a scene not beheld by many other eyes. The trees, shrubs and vines in a rainforest bear every shade of green, yellow and blue you can imagine, and then some. The sun shining and the shadows intermingling give rise to innumerable hues and shades of the same. The distance between the island you find yourself upon and the next varies the palette further, with subtle variations for every direction of the compass. The clouds moving above this poplar panoply reveal to the artists eye every variation of white and grey imaginable. Balance is provided at the beginning and end of the day with the orange, red and violet of Helios' gold oroborous traversing each end of Nyx' purest black, perforated only by Luna and the Milky Way who share with us silver and indigo.

       As humans we are one of a few creatures whose experience of reality is constructed around our sense of vision. Most creatures experience the world through some sensory apparatus for detecting the presence of various chemical substances in whatever medium they happen to be suspended in. We are unique in that we build our reality in accordance with the photons we are able to perceive. The novelty of the unique array of photons I was able to perceive gazing across the valley was accentuated by the serotonin and endorphins flowing through my circulatory system after having walked to the top of this mighty ripple on our mother Gaia's beautiful form. 

       In other words, I had been walking all day, I was a bit dehydrated, I was hungry, I was isolated in a remote place, I was a bit nervous and I was feeling that feel that people call 'runners high,' so the ordinarily beautiful view was simply celestial. I sat there on top of that mountain watching the clouds zooming back and forth so that the intervening terrain was alternately revealed and obscured. And when it was obscured it seemed that the mountain I was sitting on was an island rising from a sea of clouds. All of the mountains I could see to the North, the East and the West looked like islands too. For some reason islands are an enduring symbol in the collective unconscious of salvation and isolation. I wanted to use my book as way to describe the therapeutic effect that comes from time in nature and in that moment the mountains spoke to me and they called themselves Islands in the Sky.

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       What have you been up to since the last post? During the latter part of October I spent a week in the rainforests of Misty Mountains National Park and Wooroonooran National Park camping and taking photos. I had a few objectives to achieve on this trip. One was to become very familiar with the camera and tripod I recently purchased. The other objectives were related to taking specific shots on Mt Bartle Frere and starting an oil pastel.

       I can say that I definitely achieved the first objective, but the weather was not conducive to my achieving the others. I wished to retake the shot which is at the top of this page and get some more nice shots from that same vantage point. That photo was taken from the NW summit of Mt Bartle Frere looking East. I had also planned to sit in that same spot and sketch the view down the valley. Poseidon had other ideas however, and as such I ended up being in the clouds for two nights and the better part of three days. The sun came out for a couple of hours on the second day, but the rest of the time it was cold, wet and windy. The peaks were all clouded in so I could neither take photos of, nor draw the mountain peaks and forested valley.

       Not all was lost though. It was spring and many of the plants up on the mountain were either flowering, covered in beautiful new foliage or both. I took advantage of the opportunity offered and took some nice shots of the rainforest and its inhabitants.

      Earlier in the week I had a close encounter with a cassowary. The magnificent bird was just down the path at the very first place I got out of my car. That I should come upon such a creature with my camera in hand the first time I set out into the rainforest specifically to take photos is surely an omen.

       What are your immediate plans for the website? Soon I will upload some photos from my trip. I also plan to make a video about the adventures I had and about what I have learnt in terms of photography, videography and editing in both mediums. I am also thinking about making a calendar featuring some of the photos I have taken recently.

        I think it would be interesting to describe the planning process for my trip, how it turned out and some of the editing work I've done since in the form of a video. I'd also really like to unpack the psychological significance of my experience with the cassowary. Maybe I'll split it up over a couple of videos. Stay tuned :)

III - Islands in the Sky - Part 1
Available for download

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      Today is a special day. Part 1 of Islands in the Sky is available for download from Kobo and Amazon. Follow the link for more information.

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      Part 2 of Islands in the Sky has just been published. We just need to wait to hear back from the publisher to find out when it's available for download. In order to make the book more accessible to a wider audience I have also decided to release it for free on Steemit

At this stage Part 1 only is available. I'm about to hop back over to Steemit and start working on Part 2. It may take a while though as I am unfamiliar with the text editor on Steem.

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